Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Looks at Books :)

      Well I have been sitting here thinking of what would be a good topic and I have yet to find one that would interest the fashion lover in us all. So I am going to go out on a limb here and do a book post. I know I know it's not my normal thing but just bare with me. I mean I did one on candles so books shouldn't be too bad.
      My first thought was to play it safe with the books I recommend. Then I figured carpe diam right?! So here goes nothing :) The first book I am going to recommend is Fifty Shades of Grey. I know GASP!! But here is the reason why. Yes this book is full of racy kinky things but It's not a terrible read. The story line is actually sort of good. Now we all know this book is a trilogy and I will be the first to admit that the third book (Fifty Shades Freed) is my favorite of all three. This is because it gets out of the racy stuff and more into reality. So curl up with this read and if your embarrassed then put a cover over it and let me know what you think!

     My next book I want to recommend is anything written by Jodi Picoult. She is a literary goddess! You can be sure you will be reading a page turner no matter which book of hers you read. In light of this comment here are some more professional comments!

   “nobody in commercial fiction cranks the pages more effectively than Jodi Picoult” —USA TODAY February 28, 2012
   “Picoult writes with a fine touch, a sharp eye for detail, and a firm grasp of the delicacy and complexity of human relationships.” —The Boston Globe
   “Picoult writes with unassuming brilliance.” — Stephen King

 I would like to read more of her books in my lifetime so if there are any that you have read let me know what you thought of them or just send me any ideas for books I should read and I might just review it and let you know what I thought!! :)

xoxo, Morgan 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

New Candles!!!

     Well I am always trying to find new and exciting designs and styles and I have found a new one thanks to a fellow blogger. 

Her blog is called So, hi . Go check it out!
Anyway the new thing that she helped me discover is Diamond Candles.
They have many different scents and look to be pretty neat candles.

     The fun thing about these candles is they come with a ring inside them. You burn the candle down and discover a ring! Now the rings vary in size and price, you could get anywhere from a $10 ring to a $5,000 ring.

     I'm hoping to get one of these candles soon so check back and see what scent and what ring I will uncover!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Fashion Star

     Ok so I'm currently obsessed with this new show on NBC. It's called fashion star. Basically these everyday designers are trying to make something of themselves. The judges are Jessica Simpson, John Varvatos, and Nicole Richie. They give the contestants guidelines like "make something out of your comfort zone" and things like that. Then the designers come up with one new look for the week. They then have a runway show infront of the judges and three "buyers" which happen to be H&M, Saks Fifth Avenue, and Macy's. Once a designer is done on the runway they then turn to face the judges and get critiqued. Then they turn to the buyers to see if any of the stores want to buy their product. The catch is only one store can buy the product so it occasionally goes to a bidding war. If they don't get a buyer to "bite" then they face elimination at the end of the show. But.....if they do get a bid then the clothes they made that night go on sale at the winning store the very next day! Amazing I know, it totally blew me away but it's true they really are on sale the next day. Some of the clothes are even really cute. But don't just take my word for it see for yourself and watch Fashion Star, tuesdays 8/7c on NBC! You can even watch online just follow the fashion star link I put at the top. Happy Watching!


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Prom This Saturday :)

     Ok so I know I havent been on in awhile, and I know my posts are all about prom but this saturday is my prom. Not just any prom but senior prom. So it's almost the only thing on my mind right now.
     I know i'm supposed to be all excited about prom but the truth is I'm just stressed by it. I still don't have shoes, or accesories but I do have the dress. It's green and I just love it. I'll be sure to put pictures of the big day up on here once I get them haha. So I'm not really sure how I feel about where prom is but I know that the people I go with will make it fun. Also I have been shopping around for swim suits for this summer so you can bet there will be a new post about them soon!


Tuesday, April 17, 2012


     Ok so my last post was about formal converse and yes I am still very impressed by them! But as I recently looked ahead to my upcoming weeks I realized that prom is only about two weeks away. Crazy I know but the really crazy thing is I haven't gotten a dress yet! I know big overlook on my part. So I'm looking for suggestions like....long or short? What color? And if anyone knows where I can find cute dresses that are afordable. HELP! Any suggestions at this point would help tremendously. So let me know what you think!,default,sc.html

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Converse for prom?

     So everyone know what converse sneakers are right? Well if your like me you love them to death. They go with just about anything. Whether it be fasion trendy clothes or just everyday wear. There was always the problem whether to wear them with formal dress. Like say a big important fancy day like oh I don't know....PROM!
     Well I've just recently found out that they have FORMAL CONVERSE! Yeah you heard me right, I said formal converse. This in my opinion has taken the coolness factor of converse up several notches. Now there is no doubt that you could wear them to something as fancy and formal as prom. Converse may have been thought up eons ago but somethings will just never get old :)